Sunday, January 17, 2010

Belated Holidays

So, why wasn't there an update for holiday adventures, you ask? Well... It was the holidays!

Of course we left everything 'til the minute, but I still managed to get Lit into a festive costume. Doesn't she make the cutest little elf?

On Christmas Eve we, meaning Lit and our mother, ventured into the depths of the crawl-space to recover hoards of decorations. Hey, for a last-minute family I think we do a pretty good job, don't you? At least we didn't wait until after Christmas to get a tree, much like I waited to write this!

Pretty lights and all of my favourite people in the same house. Ko was home from her adventures just in time to greet our grandmother from California. Yes, it was a lovely way to end the year. Hear that 2010? You have a lot to live up to!

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