Wednesday, November 25, 2009

At The Stanley

So, while Ko and our mother were in New York, Lit and I spent a night in the famous Stanley Hotel in Estes Park. Considered one of the most haunted buildings in the state, and also the inspiration for Stephen King's The Shining, we couldn't resist the opportunity to explore all the little nooks and crannies (even though we don't believe in ghosts)!

Our first order of business was the ghost tour. On our journey through the hotel we saw the piano played by John Philip Sousa, Bob Dylan, and the ghost of Mrs. Stanley(!).

We learned that children were sequestered on the fourth floor, and that if you're staying in one of those rooms, you are supposed to leave candy for the playful spirits! Of course, if your candy DOES disappear, it might have more to do with a couple of silly guests than any ghosts...

The highlight of the tour? When yours truly received the dubious honour of portraying maid Elizabeth Wilson-- the woman responsibly for accidentally blowing up part of the hotel!

After the tour Lit and I abused our new-found knowledge of the hotel's history for a few impromptu photo shoots. My love of staircases could not be suppressed!

And I even convinced Lit to participate as well!

Though it is possible she was possessed....

Oh well, we had fun anyway! It may have only been for a night, but we still managed to take 200+ photos. Ko may have enjoyed New York, but I can't be too jealous! Perhaps I'll even write my own novel inspired by the hotel... Tehe!

1 comment:

  1. Although we didn't see any ghosts,that afternoon was incredibly fun. We also saw the shining for the first time.
